Schlagwort: image analysis
Master Thesis
The master’s thesis as part of the applied geoinformatics studies programme aimed to provide the first extended scientific project. Within the department of geoinformatics (Z_GIS) different thesis ideas were provided spanning from projects in earth observation and image analysis over mobility studies to spatial modelling. While many different topic ideas were provided, I decided on…
Introduction into Historical GIS
The colloquium ‚Introduction into Historical GIS. Bringing 19th Century Resource Knowledge on the Map‘ offered by History Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Salzburg was centred around exploring the capabilities of geographic information systems (GIS) for the analysis of historic data. GIS are among the most important digital tools for…
I3 Project
The course ‚I3 Project‘, short for interdisciplinary, integrated, interactive project was a late master’s seminar course that prepares students for their master’s thesis by helping to develop, test, and validate their competencies in a first large scientific project. Students were challenged with a major project to be completed through all its stages. From problem analysis,…